In 2008, I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new grad ready to change the world. The only problem…a  recession. This setback (which turned out to be a setup!) had me apply on job after job with no luck for nine, miserable months. I paid my bills working as a receptionist at a hair salon. While I was happy to have any job, I felt like I was meant for more. 

Fast forward to 2010, I was hired to work as a Legislative Aide at Colorado’s State Capitol. I went on to spend the next few years working in politics for Presidential, state, and national races. By the age of 25, I was on a what felt like a rocketship and my career was finally taking off! The only problem, the ladder I was climbing was leaning on the wrong building. 

So, I made a change. I sold all my stuff, joined Youth With A Mission, a Christian missionary organization. I spent the following months serving with a film and media team in the African bush. It was here that my passion for story-telling and marketing began. 

After returning to the states, I launched my own marketing and media consultancy serving leaders in all spheres of influence. Over the past 10 years, I’ve managed large-scale app launches, produced and written T.V. commercials and video ad campaigns for political candidates, directed 8000+ person live events, led publicity teams for movie launches, developed podcast shows and networks, and even a written a speech or two. 

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to work with world-class leaders in the business, political, church, and non-profit spheres helping them craft top-notch marketing strategies and communicate some of the world’s most important messages. 

No matter what size of business you run, I would love to help you level up your marketing and achieve your business goals!


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